With Christmas just around the corner I thought I would share with you some contemporary Christian artists (or art with Christian imagery). Some of these artists are well known names you may recognize and others are up and coming. They are all exceptional and well worth exploring further. Click on the artwork to learn more about the artist and their art. I'll be back with a post the first Friday in January. Have a very merry Christmas and may God bless you and your family this new year.
Jean-Marie Pirot-Arcabas
Ron DiCianni
His 12'x 40’oil on canvas mural “The Resurrection”
*See more in This Week's Videos at the bottom*

Chris Koelle
some of his work with Christian Imagery (positive or negative)
some of his work with Christian Imagery (positive or negative)
Thomas Kinkade
America's most collected living artist
America's most collected living artist
In a nut shell
1-Enjoy the art
2-Have a merry Christmas
3-See you next year
Thomas Kinkade
“My mission as an artist is to create glimpses of a world that is tranquil, peaceful and full of the beauty of God's creation. That's what I mean when I talk about sharing the light.”
“Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.”
Christain artist Ron DiCianni shares his thoughts about painting "The Resurrection" with close-ups and details of this remarkable forty foot oil on canvas.
A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles Schulz (writer & artist) first aired on television in1965. This is the classic meaning of Christmas scene were Linus recites Luke 2:8-14,
Here is a great version of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" performed by Katie Melua a few years back.