Working for years in fine arts and architecture I have had to develop an ability to work myself into a creative flow on a daily basis. When I was unable to do this my work and productivity would suffer greatly. One of my most effective methods in doing this has been something I call my “Creativity Ritual”.
When I would find myself in a “creative zone” I would observe just exactly what I was experiencing. I began to write down what I was feeling, how I was thinking, the way I sat or stood, the way I was breathing and so on. I later organized these “ways of being” into an outline that has evolved into my personal “Creativity Ritual”. It is with this “way of being” outline that I have gained a tremendous amount of control over my ability to put myself into a creative zone when needed.
Your individual “Creativity Ritual” should be very uniquely yours. It should be based on personal observations of how you are being when you are at your most creative. It’s about taking the time to discover your creative self in action so you can replicate your state of mind when you choose to. To help you better understand how this might look for you I have included the following outline of my current “Creativity Ritual”.

Being Creative:
•I stand up and breath in deeply.
•I feel creative energy filling my lungs
•I thank God for my imagination and the opportunity to be creative.
•I consider great thoughts from great people.
•I consider creative people’s work.
•I feel and imagine my work’s creative potential.
•I think about the possibilities like a big kid.
•I feel unstoppable creativity welling up inside me.
•I breath deeper and more fully.
•I sit or stand straight, energized and excited.
•I move fast and sure
•I think clear and sure
•I feel the truth and excitement of my purpose.
•I move away from safety and protection.
•I feel passion for the unknown benefits to come.
•I pray for the pessimists and critics that they might feel the joy of taking risks.
•I work hard and move my dreams forward.
•I dive into a creative zone as if it's refreshing, crystal-clear water.
It's inviting, exciting and natural.
By going through this list and doing each item physically and mentally I am able to work my way into a creative zone. This ritual of mine has changed and evolved over time. When I find myself in a creative zone I continue to observe and note new helpful ways I can replicate the experience and I add them to my Being Creative list. Begin developing your “Creativity Ritual” and discover the remarkable control you can have over your own ability to dive into a creative zone at will.
In a nut shell
1-Experience being in a creative zone
2-Observe how you are feeling, thinking and being
3-Note and organize your observations
4-Use these written observations to replicate the experience
5-Follow them physically and mentally back into a creative zone
“All external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure, these things just fall away in the face of death leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked, there's no reason not to follow your heart.”
British artist Patrick Hughes is the creator of “Reverspective” a unique form of three-dimensional painting that has to be seen in motion to truly appreciate. Using his technique of reverse perspective by inverting the depth of his painting’s surface he creates powerful illusions.
You can explore his work further at