It's For Your Creativity
Working as a fine artist and designer for over twenty years it has been my job to develop and implement creative ideas. When seeing my finished work people often ask me “Where does an idea like that come from?” Specific answers for each individual idea can be complicated but the creative lessons, techniques, and strategies are often simple and anyone can benefit from their use.
Working as a fine artist and designer for over twenty years it has been my job to develop and implement creative ideas. When seeing my finished work people often ask me “Where does an idea like that come from?” Specific answers for each individual idea can be complicated but the creative lessons, techniques, and strategies are often simple and anyone can benefit from their use.
I have studied creative people and their methods, taught classes, headed up teams, and read piles of books on creativity. This interest over the years has led to daily explorations of the creative process in art shows and galleries as well as online and in my studio. With this website I can now share the best of my discoveries in writings, pictures, videos and links. If you are looking for creative inspiration and personal hands on creative improvement, this site is for you. Be sure and check back often. I am committed to adding fresh, valuable content regularly that will help you achieve your creative goals.
In a nut shell
1-It's for your creativity
2-I know this stuff and I continue to explore
3-I'm going to share my discoveries
(in writings, pictures, videos and links)
4-Check back weekly for new stuff

Albert Einstein
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.“
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
For Creativity's Weekly Videos
I am amazed at how many videos out there demonstrate remarkable creativity. Some are inspirational, others are practical hands-on and instructional. I believe these are essential to enhancing creativity so I plan to share with you at least one each week. I will include videos with each post and I will always make sure they are well worth your time. Enjoy.
Theo Jansen presentation at the Creativity World Forum in 2008. He creates walking kinetic sculptures that range in size from that of a small dog to as big as an elephant. This video is about 8 minutes showing his work and his valuable thoughts behind it.